My Top 25 games of all time( some are very niche) part 2

Mar 9th '25 7:38pm:
My Top 25 games  of all time( some are very niche) part 2

19.**THE PUNISHER** Now, there's a niche game that no one has played, but those who do understand why it's on this list. **Just for the level where he is in his house and then gets attacked by "THE RUSSIAN," deserves a spot here; Punisher has always been one of my favorites if Batman decided to kill, and boy, does the game earn the PEGI 18.** The dialogue, the music, and the interrogations encapsulate how ruthless Frank Castle is. It's a must for Punishers fans and people who love action games with brutal takedowns, tons of weapons, and more. ![v]( 18.**Borderlands 2** Bro, I don't know how many hours I have with this one, but I wish I could forget the game and replay it from scratch. **From the little robot Claptrap, who I was always laughing at due to how funny he is, to one of the best villains of all time, Handsome Jack. But there are so many more, Scooter, Ellie, Mr. Torgue, and so much more, that I can't include them here. Pandora itself is a highlight, as there is much to explore and so many combinations of guns and powers to experiment with. My friends and I have platinum all over Borderlands so that a B4 won't be expected. I can't wait for more! ![v]( 17.**SLY Band Of Thieves** It's getting difficult to choose the next ones, as I admit that the Top 10 I want are in a specific order, but for now, the order doesn't matter. I've never experienced a game that tries to imitate the formula of the SLY franchise. They just nailed it. Imagine you're a successor to a line of thieves, and they passed all their knowledge into a book so the successors could acquire all their secrets. Just the premise alone is fire, but it's nothing compared to the hubs you can explore in each episode; SLY 2, for me, was the pinnacle of what the studio SUCKER PUNCH envisioned. And no, it's not nostalgia. I recently played them, and bro, the game is perfection. I cannot put into words how I feel playing that masterpiece. ![v]( 16.** Darkness 2** One of the most gruesome and intelligent first-person shooters I ever played. I was, for me, **THE BEST PLOTWIST OF ALL GAMING**. Yeah, I'm serious; you won't see it coming. Sometimes you're like, oh, I see how it is, no, you don't. You play as crime boss Jackie Estacado, who has a very **unusual** ally in the form of a monster with sharp teeth who always tries to take over Jackie's body, AKA the host. The combat is gruesome, especially with the haunting voice of the monster commanding you to feast on their souls. It's a wild ride, trust me. The game will play you instead of you playing the game which I'm a sucker for. ![v]( 15. ** Dante's Inferno** I got so mad when I saw that the sales for this game flopped because the GAMING JOURNALISTS said it was just another God of War clone. I never listened to them, and I'm glad I didn't. They seem like casual gamers at best. I'm sorry, but that's how I always felt. They are correct that it has some similarities to the OG God of War, but which game from the same genre hasn't? As a big God of War fan, I can 100% say that it has its own identity with the NINE CIRCLES OF HELL and the SIN OR ABSOLVATION MECHANICS, characters rich in history and lore. Bro, the biggest plot twist didn't even have Dante, the MC, present, but indirectly, he caused it. If you want to talk about an Evil MF, look no further than Dante. He makes Satan blush, but he's also such a complex character. And the cutscenes that show Dante's sins are so creepy and haunting. ![v]( Well, that's all for this post, as I need to think well about the others as we approach the Top 10 Please feel free to comment below if you expected any of these games; if you want, you can share your list. I would love to see if someone is like me.

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