Demonic Forest Spirit(Deaths Door)

Demonic Forest Spirit(Deaths Door)

The first Challenge is, to start well a giant orb which implies the size of the enemy. Its not too tricky but beware of the attack where he starts to spin and releases 2 tentacles on each side. The timing is weird because the enemy starts to slowly change direction so I recommend you to keep moving but changing directions from time to time. He also has a faster version but its pretty easy to dodge plus I have a great tip to put some damage when he performs the move. When he starts to do his rapid spin he will always stop in each corner of the arena to change trajectory, you can charge your electric arrow while he is thinking where to go and do some pretty decent damage, the quicker you are the more damage you will be able to put on him. What do you think of this boss? Is he easy? Is he hard? Do you like the design? Leave it all in the comments so we can all share our passion!

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