BLEACH Rebirth of Souls — Shinji Hirako Special Trailer

Dec 23rd '24 12:39am:
BLEACH Rebirth of Souls — Shinji Hirako Special Trailer

**Breaking News** you know how to now, every character coming out had the same revealing trailer type for Bleach Rebirth of Souls? **Well, for some reason,Shinji got a special treatment as it got announced today a different type of trailer**. The big question is, why, though? My suspicion is that the Story Mode will revolve around Shinji, as it shows many cutscenes with him and Aizen. **The developers must like him to do this, as not even Aizen or Yamamoto, two leading figures of Bleach, got the same treatment as Shinji**. This game has everything to stand out, but only time will tell.

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