I don't have words to describe Ananta other than a "GRAND THEFT HONKAI: MILES MORALES," as a user perfectly described it in the game trailer video. It adds various formulas already tested and loved, like driving cars while having shootouts as you're driving in an open world(**GTA formula**)  Traversing at high speed while web-swinging across buildings(**SPIDER-MAN formula**) There are a ton of activities to spend the day, such as Basketball, Darts, Volleyball, and parties that you can probably create relations (**PERSONA formula**) Yeah, I can tell all of that from the trailer. Regarding the details of the world itself, I believe it will be the next Persona. Regarding storytelling, I'm not sure, but what I can see is that they cooked something special, and I can't wait to dive into this intriguing but confusing open world. Here's the trailer