I just got out of work, and I got a notification saying that Dragon Ball Sparking Zero has a new trailer, I clicked it, and BAM! It's a trailer announcing that the GT Ark will be included(**countering the allegations of being possibly DLC)** I cannot say it enough,**the character's models look so clean**  I especially like how Baby Vegeta, Omega Shenron, UBB and Goku Super Saiyan 4 look, thank god they changed the voice actor of UBB Dubbed(no shade to the voice actor but Deku voice for me never matched UBB in my opinion, no Detroit Smash required) And then we have the **GOAT** AKA Gogeta sauced up, im talking about Gogeta Super Saiyan 4  But the thing that shocked the most me was the absense of Android Super 17 on the trailer(yes i know he showed up on a previous trailer) but still, weird choice on my opinion as Super 17 was one of the best in the GT Saga. **I CANNOT WAIT FOR THIS GAME TO COME OUT AND PLAY IT!!!**