There are 1 Artifact, 1 Audiolog, and 7 Memory Shards. **1. Artifact Electric Handcuffs: In the beginning area, you face the first enemy. Then, it would be best if you walled run. Cross the wall, but at the end of it, turn left. The wall runs once more on the same wall before, and you will see a broken vent to break into; the artifact will be on the left.    **2. Memory Shard: This is the same area as the previous artifact. This time, don't turn left; continue the main path, where a sole enemy has a shield. Climb to where the sphere to destroy the shield is; the collectible is behind the metal cylinders.   **3. Audiolog Farewell: When Kira starts to argue with Zoe about Kira hacking the coms channels, the walls with yellow covers. You will see a rose sign in front of you. Jump to the wall on the right, and the exact wall changes directions as Audiolog is just behind it.    **4. Memory Shard: Under the rose sign previously mentioned, at the end of the wall section, go all the way forward instead of going right, which is the primary path.    **5. Memory Shard: On the zone where you jump to an air propulsor vent to reach the higher open vent, jump to the cracked vent just on the opposite side.   **6. Memory Shard: On the closed area of one of the biggest fights in the whole chapter, go outside the area by the door, jump into the ground line, and then into the air propulsor vent to lead you to a cracked vent. The collectible will be next to the window with the closed area view mentioned before.   **7. Memory Shard: Under the red sign, left of it by the corner.   **8. Memory Shard: After the two walls of the image I put, turn left and jump into the air propulsor vent to the grindline. Slide under the broken door. Follow the path inside, and it will be there.   **9. Memory Shard: In the last arena zone with the two grindlines on opposite sides, go to the left one, which will be above the platform above the grindline.