Ghostrunner 2 All Jacked Up trophy Guide

Jun 12th '24 2:43am:
Ghostrunner 2 All Jacked Up trophy Guide

I was having trouble with this one because the videos would only show you them unlocking the trophy and not how to do it. I saw many people saying that the trophy wouldn't unlock for them, although they unlocked all the upgrades and got all the memory shards; I was in the same situation until today. It would be best if you did a crucial thing to get the trophy that no video talks about because I think people don't even know how they did it. I have the solution for getting the trophy; follow the three simple steps I'm about to give to you, but before that: Did you complete the story and reach stage 4 in RogueRunner, but your upgrade shop looks like this? ![v]( It was what happened to me and a couple of people on Reddit. If you're in the same boat, continue reading, as I have the only solution you need. Here are the steps: **1. Go to an upgrade shop and buy the upgrades you have left; if you don't have credits, just clear the hidden challenges, collect the remaining collectibles, or repeat shorter levels for 20,000 to 30,000 per level.** **2. Go to the Main Menu and select the "ELEVATOR MAINTENANCE" Chapter, but don't start the chapter; instead, go to the HUB where you normally go before starting a chapter to talk to your friends.** **3. Head towards the upgrade machine, where you will have the upgrades you're missing to buy.** If you followed everything, then the trophy should be yours.

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