This chapter has 7 MEMORY SHARDS, 1 AUDIOLOG, and 1 ARTIFACT. 1. Memory Shard: At the start of the level, in front of the big machine, turn right and go to the corner.*   2. Memory Shard: Look down to the right from the top of the bridge just in front of the big machine head.*   3. Memory Shard: In front of three poles that appear and disappear, you can identify the area by the Red.*   4. Audio Log Blessed: In one of the electricity doors where, you need to hit the switch to open, jump to the wall, and then turn left. Time the jumps, and you will reach the audio.*    5. Artifact Mask Of The Arcane Sacrificer: When Kira says that Jack can't multiply, step into the beam and use SHADOW.*   6. Memory Shard: Before the two walls, you need to go into the beam and deactivate mid-jump, go to the right, and go through the cracked wall.*   7. Memory Shard: This section has poles with beams in the air and is unmissable on the main path.* ![v]  8. Memory Shard: After you clear the obstacle where there are lasers from top to bottom, you need to dash in the middle. After jumping the walls, turn right.*   9. Memory Shard: The last zone where you can see the last giant door to end the chapter. Go to the middle by the right, look down, and see the Shard.