**1. Memory Shard 1**- When entering the sewers at the start of the chapter, throw a shuriken to stop the rotating fan, turn left, then right. You know you're in the right one if you see a broken wall. Follow until you see a waterslide type.   **2. Audio Log**- On the right side of the last door, where you need to drain the water, jump into the air vent that levitates you to access the second air vent that will give you access to the audio log.    **3. Memory Shard 2**—In the area where the music starts to play, next to the Giant Robot, go to the right and jump to the two bars. Cross the wall and look to the right instead of the left.    **4. Memory Shard 3**—This is in the same area as the previous shard; head to the right. A way to identify this is that before the obstacle, you need to throw a shuriken to lower the platform. The image will explain it better.    **5. Memory Shard 4**- On the area where you descend the grinding line to the arena where there is a couple of red barrels to ignite, go to the left and look down.   **6. Audio Log**—This is the same area as before. This time, jump to the two grind lines, follow the main path, and instead of jumping to the area with enemies, don't cross it; jump to the opposite side on the right.    **7,8. Memory Shard 5,6**- In the area where the challenge machine is located, activate the switch on the wall by throwing a shuriken to turn on the air to grant you access to the two memory shards, one on the left and the other just on the other side of the grind rail.    **9. Memory Shard 7**.- The last area behind the gate ends the level and takes you to the cyber void, above where you can wall run to reach the arena.