I'm sorry it took longer than expected. The last sword delayed the upload that was supposed to come yesterday. Anyway, for the Live By The Sword trophy, you must collect all 16 swords through the chapters, except the last one, which you need to complete Stage 4 of the game mode " Roguerunner.EXE." **As soon as you acquire the sword you want, you can quit and return to the Menu. I did it, and it does save automatically.** Let's get started: 1. Chapter 1(Uninvited Guests) 1/2 **THE OWL.**  At the start of the second train area, where you need to jump above them, continue the main path until you see three poles to jump to. Instead of jumping to them, look for the breakable wall under the first pole. The sword is inside and at the end of the hallway.   1. Chapter 1(Uninvited Guests) 2/2 **TESA_BLOODBATH074.**  2. Chapter 2(Will Bushido Allow It?) 1/1 **THE UNDOER.**  This one is unmissable, as you only need to complete the chapter and defeat AHRIMAN.  3. Chapter 3(Setting The Stage) 1/1 **THE LIMB OF METAL**  After crossing an electrified barrier with Shuriken, you will come across an extensive area as portrayed in the image; go to the left and jump to the other side, defeat the enemies, and in the exact location, look to the left. Continue to climb until you reach the yellow lines to go across. Don't cross; instead, jump to the wall on the left; a hidden sword will be there at the end of that wall.    4. Chapter 5(Behind The Curtain) 1/2 **THE INTERNAL STATIC.**  In the area where you need to open a door by jumping, use the technique SHADOW in mid-air to block the laser and throw a shuriken on each side to open the door. Go to the opposite door after opening the main door and break the wall to access a switch to open the correct door. Do the same process again and enter by the right door; if the right door is open, the force shield for the sword is down.    4. Chapter 5(Behind The Curtain) 2/2 **THE ELECTRIC DREAM**  Use the SHADOW technique to block the laser on the ground. Then, jump from one wall to another and throw a shuriken on the second wall to deactivate the shock barrier containing the sword.  5. Chapter 8(Licking The Wounds) 1/2 **THE RAT.**  At the beginning of the level, when you first go outside, go to the left and look up. Grab it, slide under the gate, and jump to find it.   5. Chapter 8( Licking The Wounds) 2/2 **THE CREATOR.**  In the big confrontation area, there are two ventilators on both sides. Go to the proper ventilator and head to the center, go right once more, and then turn left; you will know you're in the right spot if there is a cracked wall on your left. Activate the switch, return to the center, and head in the opposite direction of where you have been; a door will open for you on the right. Climb the pipes and turn right.    6. Chapter 10( Winds Of The Desolate) 1/2 **MIL/CUT_2713-SNOW.**  2/2 When you get up from the bike for the first time, follow the main path but turn right and wall run instead of continuing to the main path to the left.   6. Chapter 10( Winds Of The Desolate) **MIL/CUT_2713-CAMO.**  Turn back, use the TEMPEST move to get the box out of the way, the images will help the description.    7. Chapter 11( Pillars Of Creation) 1/1 **MIL/CUT_2713-JAWS.**  When you first see the three objectives, a ramp will lead to two more. Use boost to avoid falling and try again.   8. Chapter 14( Can Anyone Hear Me) 1/1 **THE VOID RIPPER**  Next to the grind lines, jump down on the other side when you climb the building instead of hopping into the grind lines.   9. Chapter 16( Elevator Maintenance) 1/1 **THE SERPENT**  Climb the yellow boxes, turn left, and jump to the air pressure to reach the sword.  10. Chapter 17( Too Close To The Sun) 1/1 **TESA_VAPOR074.**  The first time you encounter a spider-type enemy that jumps you, you go to his red line of sight. Destroy it, then climb to where the spider is.   11. (Roguerunner.EXE) 1/1 Stage 4 Reward after completion **TESA_FIRESTARTER074**