I found the perfect spot for the trophy. It's like water to get in your first playthrough; it doesn't require upgrades at all, and if you fail, get it and try again. In the chapter**"Unwelcomed Guests,"** there is an area with a ventilator that you need to slide down; an enemy with a gun will be waiting for you, so don't forget to block. Kill him, as he is not a part of the trophy, but the next one is across the same area.  For the trophy, you need to deflect 10 bullets in a row. Slash the first enemy in the area before the wall jump. Don't kill the second; ignore him and head to the third. . This is the most important step for this guide: take enough steps to activate the animation and tilt to the right; the tilt will make it impossible to kill the enemy due to the distance and trajectory. I tried doing it without the tilt, and it always kills the guy because it goes straight to him. See the video for a clear idea.