The Godspeed trophy is a gold one, as it requires you not to die a single time in 5 separate levels. You must be thinking," Do I have to keep track of how many times I die? What if I lose count?" Do not worry; I have a neat trick to help you take care of that. **In the main menu, go to settings and scroll down to GAMEPLAY COUNTERS. Turn it on, and now the game shows you the number underneath a skull indicating your number of deaths. You can always know if the game counts as a death. Before talking about the levels, the last trick is,**EVERYTIME YOU DIE, ALWAYS CLICK THE START BUTTON AND CLICK GET BACK TO THE MAIN MENU**. If you get out of the level like that and then go back by pressing continue, the game won't count your death and will let you continue the level from where you died. Now let's talk about the levels I recommend and the reason why: **1. UNINVITED GUESTS** The first level of the game is a good start. The level only has the basic grunts, and it's not that long. You should be overpowered by playing Story Mode and acquiring all the necessary powers. Throw the shurikens to the machine gun enemies and slash the melee ones.  **2. WILL BUSHIDO ALLOW IT?** The whole chapter of the game's second mission is just a boss battle against AHRIMAN that doesn't last more than ten minutes. As the chapters in this game last about 40 minutes to 1 Hour, it is one I highly recommend for this trophy. I already discussed this chapter in the previous post, as you need to finish the battle without using the BAKUNIN missile. This time, use it to end the fight in seconds.  **3. CAN ANYONE HEAR ME?** On the later missions, I chose this as it is one of the shortest, and there aren't a lot of enemies in quantity and variety. Just be careful with the short motorbike sections that fill most of the chapter. Remember, if something goes wrong, go to the menu and try again.  **4. A PRICE TO BE PAID** Now, this is a mission that no one talks about, and people don't know how easy it is, even though it looks brutal. There are only three areas as one of the shortest chapters. The first two areas are easy to deal with; the third makes players look for other solutions for the no-death run. The third area is when the enemies try to break the HQ, and it shows a bar on top of the screen representing their forces. Yes, there are plenty BUT, and that's A BIG BUT, they are divided into groups of three. If that wasn't enough to make my point, FOR EVERY 3 DEATHS YOU GET A CHECKPOINT! That means you will constantly progress from one checkpoint to another, and with the tricks I taught you, this will be a breeze.  **5. HACKER'S DEN** To end the level selection and get the trophy, I chose the longest, which takes at least 30 minutes for the average player. There are many areas in this chapter, but only regarding traversal. You will be tasked to infiltrate the worst part of DHARMA CITY, which ironically is aesthetically beautiful. You'll need to hack three terminals scattered around the city. The only thing to remember is when you're hacking and go into the cyberspace world, don't fall, as it will count towards the trophy. If you do fall, then do the technique I taught you, and BAM, you have a shiny new gold trophy to add to your collection. I will leave the video explaining in real time what I just said.