Ghostrunner 2 is one of the PS Plus Essentials given away this month, and from someone who bought the game when it came out, it's a must-have platinum to add to your collection. This post is for the hidden trophy "HE was trying to help": beating AHRIMAN, the first boss, without pressing R3. Don't worry if you fail on your first try because this game has a chapter selection, meaning there are no missable trophies, only hidden ones. You have two ways to do it. **1. You can try to get it as soon as you come across Chapter 2, which is solely the AHRIMAN boss fight.** or **2. Complete the main story and upgrade the character while getting his complete powers, then go to Chapter Select and try him** Either way, it's fine because the boss fight is a key checkpoint that greatly helps with the trophy. The checkpoint appears after AHRIMAN throws you off the stage, and BAKUNIN comes in a jet pack to help you get back to the stage. When you do that, the checkpoint will activate. VERY IMPORTANT NOTE: Once you get back to the fight, BAKUNIN will attack AHRIMAN. This may confuse you as the animation is identical to when you press R3, and he throws the rocket to stun the boss. Even though it's not a cutscene, the first projectile by BAKUNIN won't count for the trophy, so do not worry and try as many times as it takes to take his life without BAKUNIN's help. A couple of tips: IF you opt for the first method, then what I advise you to do is do a maximum of two slashes when you have the chance because AHRIMAN will always try to get on your blind spot, so Three slashes will always be a 50/50 situation. In this game you cannot get hit at all so remember, slow and steady wins the race. Always keep your guard up, even if you see him far away. Don't drop your guard; he is pretty fast and can reach you in a few seconds. A quicker but riskier solution would be doing parries as it is a high-risk, high reward where, yes, it is dangerous, but you do a significant amount of damage for each successful parry. I don't recommend it, but you can if you're confident in your timing if you're going for that route; then keep in mind that not all of his attacks can be parried like, for example, when he throws is whip into the ground you need to dodge it and not parried, instead parry when he does the left to right swing. The last piece of advice for this method is when he goes to the other side of where you are, 9 times out of 10, he will jump, creating a shockwave around him that you need to jump; that is the only time you should take advantage and go on the offensive by doing as many slashes possible because he will always take a couple of seconds to get up as it shows in this image.  The second method involves everything I mentioned in the first one, but this time, you use the power TEMPEST every time you think you will get hit; it stops AHRIMAN attacks for that time.  The use and abuse of the slowing time technique are the dodge mechanics of this game.