Immortals of Aveum All Collectibles Guide(KALTHUS).

May 8th '24 3:25pm:
Immortals of Aveum All Collectibles Guide(KALTHUS).

**1. Lore**: Below the red railway flux, on the broken bridge, jump to the flux, and after that, get out as soon as you can to jump to the first lore. The image explains better. ![v]( ![v]( ![v]( **2. Gold Chest**: It is in the same place as the previous lore. Head to the right, and you will see an open door with fire candles, which makes it easy to identify. Inside is the Shroudfane and the Gold Chest behind the pillar on the right. ![v]( ![v]( ![v]( **3. Gold Chest**: On the area where the floor is ice, you have a big confrontation next to a portal area. Look for the two flame pillars, walk towards them, and you will see a grappling point to grab; go close to that and jump to the left while gliding; the Gold Chest is next to the campfire. ![v]( ![v]( ![v]( **4. Gold Chest**: This is the same area as the previous Gold Chest; this time, instead of looking for the door with the two flames, go to the left of the stairs. You will notice a blue-spelled projectile wall with the chest behind it. ![v]( ![v]( ![v]( **5. Gold Chest**: Again, in the same open area from the two previous gold chests, follow the main road, and you will come across to the room where you have to move the platforms with your green sigil to make a path upwards with metal boxes. Once you arrive at that location, look to the right. A blue projectile spell barrier will be guarding the chest. ![v]( ![v]( ![v]( ![v]( **6. Gold Chest**: This is the same area as the previous one. This time, make your way to the top by jumping the floating boxes. Once you reach it, look forward; it's next to the portal. Shoot the three sigils to open the door. ![v]( ![v]( ![v]( ![v]( ![v]( **7. Gold Chest**: Go back down to the area you used the boxes to climb and push all the boxes to the left this time. Once that's done, climb the boxes, and you will gain access to a secret opening containing a Gold Chest and lore on opposite sides of each other. ![v]( ![v]( ![v]( **8. Gold Chest and Lore**: It is too complicated to put into text as a complex puzzle; see the video to understand. ![v]( ![v]( **9. Gold Chest**: It's behind a door where you need to shoot three sigils around it. ![v]( ![v]( ![v]( ![v]( ![v]( **10. Gold Chest**: Enter the cave with the red crystals and turn right, fall, and turn right again. Shoot the red sigil and head down to the door before it closes, as you will take a short time to get the gold chest. ![v]( ![v]( ![v]( ![v]( **11. Gold Chest**: The same area of the portal next to where you drop to the lower part of the map; it has a circular shape surrounded by pillars. The gold chest is on the right of the portal, guarded by a puzzle; this time, I will try to explain as I had already done when I recorded the video. You need to hit the reflector lens two at a time, first on the left and second on the right; try to position yourself to hit them both. Do the same on the other side. ![v]( ![v]( ![v]( **11. Gold Chest**: On the underground cave in the first open area. ![v]( ![v]( ![v]( **12. Gold Chest**: At the end of the previous area, look up on the right; it looks far but is reachable at the grappling point; grab that one and the one above it. ![v]( ![v]( ![v]( ![v]( **13. Lore**: On the map's center, beneath the largest railway that crosses both sides. ![v]( ![v]( ![v]( **14. Gold Chest**: Same platform, go down the stairs around the back. ![v]( ![v]( **15. Gold Chest**: In the same platform as the previous lore, jump to the boxes on the corner and do a double jump with a glide to reach the grappling point on the other side. ![v]( ![v]( ![v]( **15. Gold Chest and Shroudfane**: On the area with lots of red crystals around you and broken wooden bridges, jump to the middle and then turn around and jump down. A Shrinefane with a Gold Chest will be there. ![v]( ![v]( ![v]( **16. Lore**: The last collectibles are located in the same area where all your allies are in the Epilogue, which is **GLAIVEGATE**. The Lore is in a table left to the portal where you enter when using fast travel. ![v]( ![v]( ![v]( **17. Gold Chest**: Middle of the area, impossible to miss. ![v]( **18.Lore**: On the right side of the same area, on one of the right side tables. ![v]( **19. Lore**: Downstairs, on the left side of the main stairs, on the three wooden boxes with scrolls. ![v]( ![v]( **20. Lore**: On the opposite side of the last box location, on the table next to HOUSER. ![v]( **21. Lore**: The next table of the previous lore is on the same side. ![v]( **22. Gold Chest**: Shoot the green sigil above the HOUSER table, the red sigil next to the green, and the blue one above the door containing the Gold Chest. ![v]( ![v]( ![v]( **23. Lore**: Where ZENDARA is, the upper floor of the battlefield. On the metal box on the left side of ZENDARA. ![v]( ![v]( **24. Gold Chest**: Drop down to the battlefield by jumping, grab the grappling point with your whip, and the Gold Chest will be just around the corner. ![v]( ![v](

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