If you're like me and the only trophy missing for the Platinum is the Tip of The Spear trophy, which consists of defeating the 6 Elite Sorcerers, all you see when you search for answers for how to beat them are people showing you how good they are, not how to do it. Well, I got Platinum with a strategy I conceived, and now I will share everything I did with you. There are 5 crucial steps for this to work: 1. **START WITH THE ONE IN KALTUM SHROUDFANE.**  2. **Acquire the Sigil NIGHTSTORM.**  3. **Use NIGHTSTORM ONLY WHEN THE SHIELD IS DOWN.** 4. **USE AND ABUSE TIMEBURST.** . 5. **PLAY ON EASY MODE AS IT DOESN'T AFFECT TROPHIES.** Now, I will explain in detail each step to guarantee your success. FYI: YOU NEED TO START WITH SEVENCE FOR THIS METHOD TO WORK AND AVOID ZANATH, THE ONE LOCATED IN THE SHROUDED REALM REGION. Now, with that out of the way, let's go individually. To start, go to KALTHUS and head to the Shroudfane of the SIX located on the map; it's very straightforward to find as it has a different look to the other type of Shroudfane, which is Blue; this one is Orange. Before entering, ensure you have everything you have to level 50, which is the max; that is one of the reasons you should leave this trophy as your last because the other Shourdfanes have everything you need to be able to level every item to the maximum quickly if you need help finding them, I have posts dedicated to that and also videos so you can see in real-time where they are. Once you're set with the loadout and desire to level 50 in at least the 3 Sigil colors ( **BLUE, RED, GREEN**), enter and face SEVENCE, the spirit sorcerer. Each Sorcerer has an attribute; SEVENCE is a Green Sorcerer. He has no shield, which makes him the perfect start, as most others will have it. He has a teleportation technique that can be difficult to handle and some clones, but do the TIMEBURST( the last Green Sigil spell) whenever he activates one of those, and it will be easy. The reward for beating him is STEP 2, the NIGHTSTORM. Now, once you obtain the NIGHTSTORM, then the order doesn't matter anymore EXCEPT, by far, the toughest challenge of the game is located in a Shroudfane in Shrouded Realm; ZANATH is recommended as the last obstacle before the Platinum. Still, I will tell you the ideal route to ZANATH as I believe there's a specific order for doing it quickly. Head to GREYVEIL to face AZZA-KEL, a Blue Sigil Sorcerer, use NIGHTSTORM and you will see how quickly his health bar melts, but don't use it against his shield as regards shields; NIGHTSTORM is ineffective. I advise for the AZZA-KEL after SEVENCE because the next ones will have a shield. The reward for winning is a Legendary BLUE Sigil called RIPTIDE, which helps destroy the armor in a flash. This encounter has 2 phases, but the only difference is the location. In the Second phase, he summons enemies, but with the tools you have, it doesn't make a difference. Next, go to LUCIUM and face LUCRETIUS, a Green Sorcerer without a shield. The key here is to take advantage of platforms in the arena, as he is pretty fast and can get behind you. He constantly Traverses the arena by gliding from platform to platform and goes down when the Archon appears. With NIGHTSTORM, he loses a lot of health points in a flash. The reward is ZENERRACK, a legendary Green Sigil B, but you don't reed it. MT. DRESYNR—DEN OF GRAKLYNN: Getting into the arena was difficult for me. When the game blocks your route, look for the stairs to the right. Navigation is my worst enemy. Sorry. Anyway, jump down, and GRACKLLYN, a Red Sorcerer, will beawaitou. This opponent has tons and tons of illusions backing him up. Whenever you see him alone, use NIGHTSTORM. If you get swarmed by the illusions, change to a Red Sigil, as they have practically one health, and eliminate him simultaneously with just one shot. Use TIMEBURST if needed to facilitate killing them all without taking damage. The reward is WOUND'S EDGE, RED LEGENDARY SIGIL. If you follow my guide, you are now prepared to face ZANATH. Due to the rewards of the previous fights, you also possess a couple of the best Legendary Sigils. Go to the SHROUDED REALM and head to the DEN OF ZANATH. I will try to explain the best I can this fight. Upgrade the TORRENT skill to the max . Image of the TORRENT SKILL ICON Suppose you don't have enough points to spend, reset, which only requires 10,000. You should have more than enough; if not, just sell equipment you don't use. Upgrading it to the max means TORRENT shoots more missiles, which deal damage while you reload for another barrage. TIMEBURST every time he flies and uses his laser as in even the lowest difficulty, it causes a ton of damage, use the walls to avoid it but as you take ZANATHAN to half life, the arena starts to shrink and some walls will collapse. AConstantlyrotate from one side to the other and be aware of not spending all the fight in the corners behind walls. When you're about 20% of his health bar, all the walls collapse and there is no place to hide, spam TORRENT and when you destroy his shield, hit him with the R3 L3 to finish him off. The final reward is the BLUE LEGENDARY SIGIL GOD SPEAR. Hope this guide helped, there will be a video showing everything I mentioned on this guide. Happy Hunting!