Immortal of Aveum Collectible Guide( Lucium)

Apr 27th '24 3:44pm:
Immortal of Aveum Collectible Guide( Lucium)

If you want to get the Platinum of Immortals of Aveum, you must collect a certain amount of collectibles. The good news is that even though the game has many collectibles, you don't need all of them to play. There are three sets in the game: .Entry lore .Gold Chest .Shrineforge You only need 50 Lore, as there are many more, and some are missable after the story. Don't worry; as I mentioned, you only need 50. For the Shrineforge, you need to complete 10 of them as it has a respective trophy called" Shroudfane Explorer." The only collectible you need to have 100% is the Gold Chest. This Guide will show you how to get them in each region, starting with one of the most extensive areas, Lucium. I will start from the top to the bottom and include a video so you can see what I am writing. 1. Lore— At the entrance of the building on top of the map, where people are talking, go to the little tent on the left when you enter the base from the outside. 2. Lore— Behind the tent mentioned in the previous one, climb the stairs, and it is on one of the empty tables. 3. Gold Chest- Go to the opposite side of the tent, climb the stairs, and double jump while turning to the left; just above the main gate is a Gold Chest with 300 Ascencion points. 4. Gold Chest— Outside the Base, turn to the gate and look to your left. Go towards the cave, and you will find a door with three symbols: the usual RED, BLUE, and GREEN. Shoot all three in their respective colors, and the door will open with a new chest. 5. Lore- Go back to the Main Gate and descend the main road outside; on the opposite side of the gate, look for a Ballista with two men on his left; the lore is on the right side of the table where one of the soldiers is looking at a map. 6. Gold Chest- In front of the Main Gate, go down the stairs and head to the right, opposite the cave mentioned in 4; turn to the right and head towards some trees with the green giant plant you can levitate or pull it down, in this case, pull down so you can access the higher ground and just to your right, it is hidden behind the bushes. 7. Gold Chest— After opening the previous , continue the path and break the force field wall with your fist; you will see the right in the middle of the . Pull yourself with the , reach the circular platform, and open the . 8. Gold Chest- On the opposite side of the Main Gate, you will see a crane in the distance; just a little to the down-left of the crane, there is a point to reach with your whip; once you go there, head towards to the right, and there will be a type of mine entrance, go inside and once you leave from the other side, a puzzle will be waiting for you. This one was already done at the time of the video, so I can't show you it. To keep it short, go to the Blue ball and push down the elevator with your reflection lens spell; you need to rotate the light to keep the elevator going. 9. Gold Chest—. The Chest is up there. 10. Gold Chest— Go back to the crane; this time, go under it and take the elevator. To activate the elevator, jump to the left and head inside, hit the switch, and run to the elevator before the time runs out. It should be right in front of you after ascending. 11. Gold Chest— Take the zipline, continue the path to the right, and jump to the Flux blue thing that looks like a railway. Once you get off it, go to the house in front of you, jump the fence to the left, is just behind it. 12. Lore- Down the road connecting to the Main Gate, jump to the house on the right. The lore is on the right side of the house. 13. Gold Chest— Continue down the road straight, turn left when you see the shrine forge head that way, hit the green to ascend, and jump to get to the 14. Gold Chest— This time, shoot on the blue and green, jump to the front before it comes back, and it is just on the other side. The chest is on the right, right next to the gear. 15. Gold Chest— Jump back to the platform you came in, and instead of retracing to the other platform, jump and whip out to the blue point. A puzzle with a locked door is there. This one is complex. I recommend watching the video for more info. 16. Gold Chest— This Is the area of the first collectibles of this Guide, the BackgateGuidehe Guild. Before crossing the bridge, head down to the river on the left. You will need to jump to the rock above water to reach for the 17. Gold Chest- On the dChestoad across the river, go to the boulder with the green sigil, and turn it to left and right to reveal the other sigils to reveal the item. 18. Shroudfane- Go forward, turn left, and the Shroudfane is just next to the railway. 19. Gold Chest— Under the previous railway, cross the broken bridge by hitting the green sigil. Time your jumps with the hover, as the gap is wide but possible. Go inside the building and defeat the enemies—the appears after you defeat the tChestemies in the center. 20. Gold Chest- On the Second fortress, where the two guard bots are, go inside and climb the stairs to your left. 21. Gold Chest- Outside, just before the robots, you must solve the puzzle to get the . Watch the video for details—Chest22- Gold Chest- Across the wooden bridge beside the river. 23. Shroudfane and Gold Chest- Next to a waterfall, jump from one hut rooftop to another and continue the path down after the second jump; the two items are just down the road. 24. Gold Chest— In the hut area, next to the railway junctions overlapping one another, it is in one of the corners of the area. Look for the glow-in-the-dark corners. 25. Lore— In the same area as the previous check for the empty table. 26. Gold Chest— Solve the puzzle in the exact location. Watch the video for a more precise idea. 27. Gold Chest— At the bottom of the map, above the skeleton-like form, jump onto the rooftop. 28. Gold Chest— Jump down and go straight to the door. A railway will be there. When you do the first turn, jump immediately to the first house on your right. It's a tricky jump, but it is possible. Once you do it, go down. 29. Gold Chest and Shroudfane- Puzzle, see the video. 30. Gold Chest- Bottom side of the map on the windmill in the map, jump to the platform and press square to activate the beam. 31. Lore and Shroudfane- Just on the other side of the same area, on the ground next to the cliff's edge. 32. Lore- Under the railway, inside a green building on a table 33,34,35,36,37, 2 Lore and 3 Gold Chest— They are all located in the same area, in different corners. Check for a shine to find them. 38. Gold Chest and Shroudfane— This is in front of the 3 Blue flags on the bottom, which are difficult to miss. 39. Gold Chest- Same area; go up the stairs and break the barrier. 40. Gold Chest- Puzzle, see the video. 41. Gold Chest- On the left side next to the portal. 42. Lore- On the bottom fortress, where you find the craft bench just in front when you enter, climb down the stairs to the right all the way up. It's on the first wooden table. 43. Lore— Go down the same stairs, go outside, and climb the stairs outside on the right. The lore is in the red cabinet upstairs.

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